Intergenerational Health
The Intergenerational Health research group is working to improve the health and wellbeing of children, young people, families and communities. We are the administrative home and lead organisation for the Stronger Futures CRE.
Our vision
A more equitable, inclusive world where children, families and communities experience safety, belonging and opportunities for growth.
Our purpose
Generate and translate knowledge to promote resilience and break cycles of intergenerational trauma, family violence, and social inequity.
Our focus
Lived experience
Build a greater understanding of the causes and consequences of intergenerational trauma at a population level, and within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, refugee and migrant background communities.
Strengthen capacity of policy, workforce and systems
Strengthen the capacity of health and social care policy, workforce dnd systems to provide culturally safe and trauma responsive care to families and communities.
Knowledge into action
Work in partnership with communities, workforce and policy makers to create and translate knowledge into action to promote resilience and address the causes and impacts of intergenerational trauma, family violence and social inequity.
Priorities for impact
Create and translate knowledge into action to address the social and cultural determinants of health
Genuine community engagement and co-design of collaborative, community-driven research
Strengths-based approaches that recognise and foster individual, family and community strengths
Systems thinking to support equity-oriented changes to policy and practice in health and social care sectors
Capacity and capability building through multi-way, collaborative learning and integrated knowledge translation