This page contains resources relevant to the work of our CRE, though not all have been developed by us.
We update the page regularly; if you are looking for something that is no longer featured, please get in touch so we can direct you to the original source.
A summary of key concepts and terms relevant to the work of the Stronger Futures CRE.
A guide to key terms and concepts
The Stronger Futures CRE Forum Communiqué
Critical gaps in knowledge and research evidence
Resources specifically aimed at addressing the different and similar ways bullying occurs in an Aboriginal context
We All Solid - Solid Kids Learning Resources
Integrated Trauma Recovery for People of Refugee Background
- Dr Ida Kaplan, Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture (Foundation House)
Rebuilding Shattered Lives
Mental Health Impacts of Childhood Trauma
– Professor Helen Milroy (WA’s 2021 Australian of the Year)
An Aboriginal Canadian short-film on lateral violence
Lateral Violence - ‘We do it ourselves’
Violence, Evidence, Guidance, and Action (VEGA)
Family Violence Education Resources
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander CREATE Quality Appraisal Tool
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma Informed Approach